Good morning Friendly Friends. I've made a few observations, just this morning, that truly made me say, WTF?
ITEM: The Vatican is wasting its time publishing editorials against The Golden Compass, calling it "devoid of any particular emotion apart from a great chill." And I know someone whose kids received missives from their Catholic school telling parents to boycott and avoid this film like a Biblical plague.
WTF? I thought the Bible had a lot of that "turn the other cheek" and "live and let live" stuff in it. If people are true believers can't they decide for themselves without help from Rome? I think my mother-in-law would sum it up most succinctly: "Let go, Let God."
ITEM: Apparently, since the Bible verse Isaiah 35:8 states: "And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness, there's a nationwide movement afoot to God up the country, using I-35 as a homebase:
Lujan conducted a five-week 24-hour prayer vigil and organized what he called a "purity siege" along Austin's famed Sixth Street. The sieges are part of the I-35 project, a nationwide movement to save those at bars, gay clubs and abortion clinics in cities along the interstate.
"If you just draw a line right down the middle of the nation, and go to these strategic cities along the way and just cry out holiness and purity, we believe there's going to be a referendum, a change, a radical change in our nation," Lujan said.
WTF? Seriously? Does Isaiah 76:East state "and yea, verily, thy shall not arrivest in thy workplace until well nigh after 9 am"? Can't these people find a Vrigin Mary corn chip to worship?
ITEM: This morning, and a few other times over the past weeks, I saw a new Caddy in front of me with a very interesting VANITY license plate. It reads:
SIN FREEWTF? Isn't PRIDE one of the Seven Deadly Sins? And wouldn't a VANITY license plate BRAGGING about being "Sin Free" be a sin in and of itself?
I'm open to discussion.
Thanks to the always delicious for the links.