Monday, May 24, 2010

I Got To Say it Was A Good Day

So let's see...

New roof on my house...
My 14 month old daughter melted my heart by merely saying "dad" and smiling when I walked in after an hour commute home...
Didn't have to clean firetrucks like I thought I had to...
The Dunkin Donuts lady got the extra-extra part right...

And, oh yeah....


They needed a shootout on the last day of the regular season to make the playoffs. They were down 3-0 against the Bruins in games and in Game 7 and came back to win both. They are playing for the Stanley Cup starting saturday. Unreal.

Let's hope Richards' escorting the Prince of Wales trophy to the locker room doesn't jinx them at all. Maybe Cindy Crosby snapped that curse last year...

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