Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sorry NHL and Canada...


I bet you're expecting a caption where Umberger points the way to the first tee...

Even though they were outplayed through most of the series the Flyers are on the way to their first Conference final since 2004. Biron and Umberger are probably the main reasons.

So the Orange and Black have foiled two of the NHL's master plans:

Plan A: Get the Caps into the Conference final against Crosby and Malkin. This will be a ratings bonanza.

Plan B: Get the most storied franchise in the history of the NHL, and the final Canadian team into the Conference final against anyone. This will be a ratings bonanza.

I believe Plan C involves some sort of "Lost"-like disappearance of the Flyers plane somewhere over the Allegheny Mountains.

In January 1907 the Kenora Thistles won the Stanley Cup by beating the Montreal Wanderers 4-2 and 8-6. Mike Richards is from Kenora.

So strap in Flyers fans. The NHL will probably stop at nothing to make sure that Crosby makes the Finals, so this series should have even more frustrating calls, non-calls and terrible video replays.

Hayden, you're not supposed to touch it until you win it...


FFSweaty Irishman said...

Slight correction. Flyers were in the conference finals in 2004 against the Lightning. I love you.

FFJewbacca said...

I know, I know. I'm an idiot.

The Mighty Malagan called me today to remind me.

I got the 2000 year from the Canadian Press article and it didn't sound right but I went with it...

Anonymous said...

Hayden, I have something big for you to grab onto that has been passed around alot as well...