Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Zombuddy David

I'm so proud. One of my best friends made the Colbert Report. Check it out: That zombie pic? That's my boy David. He was a groomsman in my wedding. We go way back. We did all sorts of crazy things together, alive-things.

Apparently this image was sold as photostock and made it all the way to the big time.


FFJewbacca said...

Awesome. We have a stockphoto celebrity in our midst. The closest we had before was the Pissah who posed for one of those, but I've never seen it anywhere.

Yeti's Yell said...

I heard it was published in San Franfrisky magazine, in the 1-800 section. He was smiling and holding a ground hog, disposible razor and had a coy look, right? That one?

FFJewbacca said...

No the other one. The one with the two clowns where he's holding the plae of liver and onions and crying.