Why are they Definitive?
Because The Friendly Friends have deemed them as such.
#986 - The Rock the Cradle of Love Video Girl
I have never been particularly fond of Billy Idol. And I don't even particularly like this song.
But this Definitive 1000 entry is not Billy Idol or the song Rock the Cradle of Love, it is for the Rock the Cradle of Love Video Girl.
I distinctly remember being home from school, sick, and watching MTV all day long waiting to see this video [Ed. Note: This was when MTV had something called a rotation and they actually showed videos all day] every single time it was played. The one and only reason was to see this girl trash the annoying yuppie's over-sized apartment in her spandex pants and bra. Man. She is one of the hottest girls ever and this is still one of the hottest videos.
That is pretty amazing when you consider your run of the mill
So where is Ms. RTCOL? According to VH1's "Where Are They Now: Video Vixens":
Betsy Lynn George used every sexy contortionist move she knew in Billy Idol’s “Cradle of Love”. She now teaches young girls her techniques—in gymnastics classes.
Apparently her name is Betsy Lynne George. A quick Internet search also turned up that Ms. George has taken a turn waaaaay out into left field and is (or was at one point at least)ensnared in the net that is Scientology.
I guess that might happen when your post-hot-video-girl career included such fare as In The Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful, Petticoat Planet and Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen. Thanks IMDB.com!
So let us remember her as the lithe, nubile, non-Scientologist that she was here:

And here:

Oh, and here:

And, finally, here:

And not the Tom Cruise (Happy 45th by the way, freak) worshipping, gymnastics teaching

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LOL! He's so right! I thought I understood but then Rodrigo BLEW MY MIND.
Oh Rodrigo! (What's Happening laughtrack)
I think this may be what happens when you remove the word verification option!
But Rodrigo, seriously, pepperjack is not the better cheese.
Man, if only Tivo had been around back then, I would have been replaying that shot of her doing the splits again and again and again.
Kind of depressing to see what she looks like these days tho. Not "Valerie Bertinelli is now wrinkled and 30+ pounds overweight" depressing, but a bummer nonetheless.
Good luck on your 1000! As for me 538 to go lol then ... FREEDOM!
Thank you kind sir. Or ma'am. We're having some fun with it.
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