Tuesday, May 1, 2007

This Day in Bankruptcy....

May 1, 1984: Mick Fleetwood (stay tuned for Mr. Fleetwood's entry in Celebrities That Probably Smell) of Fleetwood Mac fame files for bankruptcy of the financial kind after making poor business decisions.

May 1, 2003: George Bush of POTUS fame files for bankruptcy of the moral and spiritual kind after making poor photo op decisions by speaking from the deck of an aircraft carrier in front of a banner reading "Mission Accomplished." Which begs the question: If the mission was accomplished in 2003, then why is there a problem with a spending bill that has a troop withdrawal date?

1 comment:

Yeti's Yell said...

Damn straight on Jeb.

Also, look closely at the word "bankruptcy." It is a word that always looks misspelled.