12:03 am- It's 2-1 Sharks. Let's see how quickly they go trap.
12:05- So it's actually pronounced Gotch, even though it's spelled Goc. Not a hard C. Oh well. At least that doesn't rhyme with anything bad like notch, watch and botch.
12:06- Who in sam hill does JP Dumont think he is? And why is he mic'ed up? And why didn't he apologize for costing me a fantasy hockey season years back. He had to know I was watching this game. I mean, how many people are up after midnight watching the NHL on Versus...besides me and his momma!
12:07- That's right. I went mom joke on JP Dumont. I'd do it again too.
12:08- I feel terrible about going mom joke on Dumont. I take it back. I'm sure she's a nice LAYdy. Tee-hee.
12:11- And here comes the makeup calls. I guess they'll justify calling the Sharks for goaltender interference since a Shark checked a Pred and he hit his own goalie. And in Africa a butterfly just flapped his wings, stirring up a minuscule breeze that sent dust particles into the atmosphere, that will travel out over the ocean, that will cause a storm to build, that will become a hurricane, that will be the excuse for the terrible gas I have right now. I always blame it on someone else. Usually the cat, but this time, I'm using the Butterfly Effect.

This is the best I could do without including Ashton Kutcher
12:14- If the Preds aren't careful, they're going to give up a shorthanded goal here.
12:18- Forsberg getting dissed. He's just not doing it for the Preds. I guess when the Sharks' third line cycles the puck nonstop in the Preds end and eat up minutes (only 9 left) someone needs to step up and it might as well be Forsberg.
12:21- Brian Engblom has great hockey hair.
12:22- I never want to see my goalie look behind him, like Nabokov just did.
12:23- 8:00 left, is it just me or are the Preds just sort of standing around waiting for the horn?
12:26- Beezer keeps wondering who will step up for the Preds. He asked if Kariya or Forsberg will do it. But now, he seems to have his answer, Alex Radulov the guy who is handily suspended for this game. So Foppa and Paul, you're off the hook. Beezer will await Radulov to step it up to win this one for the Preds.
12:27- Hamhuis is another great name. Pronounced "Ham-USE" it makes me think of all of the wonderful things we can do with pork. And it makes me hungry for bacon.

Jewbacca's favorite ham-use, which is somewhat counterintuitive given his name
12:28- Jack Links commercial, Messin' with Sasquatch. Is the passenger the guy from The State? If it is, who did he piss off to be left out of Reno 911 and Stella?

12:30- 5:15 left. I am fading fast. I am Jewbacca's shriveling attention span.
12:32- SCORE! Bill Guerin makes it 3-1 Sharks. That should be it. The Sharks actually are keeping up the pressure. Awesome deflection. There's a -1 for Forsberg.
12:33- Guerin still looks weird in teal. And he looks sad since Patrick Marleau got the goal.
12:34- What exactly were they reviewing there? My previous blog entries for this game?
12:35- 3 minutes left. Is there garbage time in the playoffs? Ooof, that was a nasty high stick that the announcers missed. "Inadvertent?" Arnott looked like he was trying to do a Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken on that dude.
12:39- Wow, the Sharks completely shut down the Preds without the trap and actually added a goal. Ten seconds left.
12:40- And that's the game. Join us here next time for another "Live" blogcast of the NHL Playoffs. Now I'm just going to curl up here on the couch and sleep it off. If I have to see one more ESurance commercial I may kill someone.
12:42- For the love of god, would one of those idiot robots finally crush Erin Esurance? They're as inept as the robots I controlled playing Mutant League Football on the old Sega Genesis. The Sweaty Irishman used to kill me every time.
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